WebAlthough it is most commonly associated with parenting, it is also used in schools, prisons, and other institutional blogger.com is a great deal of debate surrounding the use of WebMerriam-Webster defines corporal punishment as: “punishment applied to the body of an offender including the death penalty, whipping, and imprisonment” or “punishment WebIn the article, “Child Corporal Punishment: Spanking The anti-spanking position,” by B.A. Robinson, Psychologist H. Stephen Glenn argues, “Corporal punishment is the least
Corporal Punishment Argument Essay ( Words) - blogger.com
Corporal punishment is the act of using physical force to punish a student for wrongdoing. It might involve a ruler across the back of the hand or a cane to the rear. Corporal punishment has since been outlawed as a cruel and unusual punishment, argumentative essay on corporal punishment. In this essay, I explore the for and against of implementing corporal punishment within education. One reason to bring back corporal punishment is to give power back to teachers again. Teaching staff often struggle to chastise students because current punishments have no intimidation power. A lack of corporal punishment leaves teachers powerless to prevent bad behavior.
On the other hand, corporal punishment often causes injuries and trauma unnecessarily. Many acts of corporal punishment leave visible marks and bruises. The mental anguish, particularly for vulnerable students, argumentative essay on corporal punishment, can last a lifetime. It can lead directly to lifelong mental problems. There are also studies showing corporal punishment has no effect on bad behavior. They demonstrate the behavior altering effects is actually trauma coming to the surface. This can cause chronic low confidence and low self-esteem. Corporal punishment is a viable alternative to suspension. Teachers do differ in how hard they hit a student. This leads to an uneven system whereby the severity of the punishment largely revolves argumentative essay on corporal punishment luck.
When a student argumentative essay on corporal punishment punished severely, parents often have to leave work to collect them and take them home again. Constant call-outs could lead to a parent losing their job for being unreliable. It can cause a great deal of damage to a family. Corporal punishment stops this from happening because it places the trust in the hands of the teachers. Sexual abuse is a major topic in schools and parents are rightly worried about the chances of this abuse manifesting itself. Abuse comes in many different forms. A male teacher could touch a female student on the breast and claim he was meant to touch her on the shoulder.
All corporal punishment does is increase the likelihood of sexual abuse occurring. These are the main arguments for and against corporal punishment. They discuss the practical aspects and the potential flaws of the system. I believe corporal punishment is a flawed system and there are superior alternatives to argumentative essay on corporal punishment, such as expulsion and community service. Welcome to the world of case studies that can bring you high grades! Here, at ACaseStudy. com, we deliver professionally written papers, and the best grades for you from your professors are guaranteed!
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Corporal punishment at school
, time: 3:27Argumentative Essay: Should Corporal Punishment Have a Place in Education?
WebStatus of Corporal Punishment In the United States‚ corporal punishment has been a common method in disciplining children and youth since colonial times. Murray A. Straus‚ WebCorporal punishment is discipline intended to cause pain, commonly towards a child. Some parents believe that it can be used ethically, as a last resort, or ‘coming from a WebArgumentative Essay: Should Corporal Punishment Have a Place in Education? Corporal punishment is the act of using physical force to punish a student for
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